
Robot Restaurant

Robot Restaurant is a Japanese styled cabaret show filled with excitement featuring huge robots, bright lights and lots of Sake.

So there I was... trying my best to stay far away from the tourist traps in Japan, but every now and then I just couldn't resist. After a long day walking around Shinjuku, I happened upon two large robots. 

The gigantic machines were advertising for something called The Robot Restaurant. As curious as I am, I just had to check it out online. Apparently, everyone but me knew about this place.  Anyways... time passed, I forgot all about the restaurant, and was pleasantly surprised to discover during a night out on my birthday that I would not only be attending the show... but participating.  

When you first walk in, the walls are covered in intricate mirrors with animals bedazzled with glitter and painted in beautiful colors. The path to the restaurant involved a walk down multiple flights of stairs where a stage awaited you. The ceiling was covered in LED lights along with all of the floors. Along the back wall, I caught a glimpse of the two robot girls I saw on the streets. Rollable mirrors, smoke machines, and laser-lights were strung along the floors and ceiling. The stage was smaller than expected, even though that didn't affect the performance.  During the show, they served Bento boxes, popcorn, and beverages for about 1,000 yen. The food is very limited to snack type food, so if you intend to eat a grand meal, I would not place too much hope in the restaurant for that. We sat in the second row, which it worked out great for me because the first row, in my opinion, is too close to the stage. You will be so close that you can almost touch the girls and robots.

During the show they asked me to come onto the stage. I would be the contender, "Kurisitaru" which is Japanese for Crystal. They had me place huge boxing gloves on my hands and get into the boxing ring with the robot. Poor robot... After a couple of minutes it was all over as I stood proudly over the K.O.'d robot.  It was so much fun. The music was loud and the lights were so bright that, unfortunately, I don't have footage of the destruction I rained down upon my opponent, but I managed to get some footage of parts of the show.

The price of the show ranges from 6,000 yen - 8,000 per person. Robot Restaurant definitely meets your Japanese standard Over-The-Top Sci-Fi Robot show. All in all, it was SO...MUCH...FUN.